Terri Warpinski explores the complex relationship between personal, cultural and natural histories through her photographically-based and mixed media work. For over four decades her various projects have taken her throughout the American West and Mexico, Australia, Western and Central Europe, the Middle East and Iceland. Her current project “Land/Trust” centers her back to the landscape of her birthplace to delve into the history and future of the preserves in the Door County Land Trust. Helen A. Harrison of The New York Times once wrote that: “(her work) is especially attuned to the often-subtle evidence of human impact on nature… (and) invite(s) speculation about the secrets that may be revealed by close scrutiny and creative speculation.” Warpinski was distinguished as a Fulbright Senior Fellow to Israel in 2000-2001, as Professor Emerita of Art in 2016 after a 32-year teaching career at the University of Oregon and the Honored Educator of the Society for Photographic Education in 2018.
Her extensive exhibition records includes the Pingyao International Festival of Photography in China; the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem; Houston International Fotofest; the Center for Photography in Woodstock, New York; the University of the Arts in Philadelphia; and Camerawork in San Francisco. Artist Residencies she has participated in include the Ucross Foundation in Wyoming, Playa in Oregon, Scuola Internazionale di Graphica in Venice, Annex:Art in Berlin. She was awarded a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Research Fellowship to Berlin for her project Death|s|trip in 2017. Her limited edition artist books (Sagebrush, 1999, Surface Tension, 2016), and collaborative broadside portfolios (Liminal Matter: Fences, 2017 and Liminal Matter:Traces, 2018) with Portland poet Laura Winter are in numerous collections including the Green Library, Stanford University; Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley; Special Collections, University of Delaware; Special Collections, Utah State University; Special Collections, University of Denver; Dennison Library, Scripps College; Book Arts Collection, Baylor University; Special Collections, University of Houston; Special Research Collections, University of California, Santa Barbara; Witliff Collections, Texas State University; Special Collections, University of Washington; Beinecke Library, Yale University; Kislak Center for Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania; Special Collections, Amherst College; and the Getty Research Institute.
She now resides with her husband, photographer David Graham, in De Pere. Together they have created newARTSpace, an artist-driven exhibition, event, and studio environment in downtown De Pere.
@terriwarpinskiphotography (fb)
@newartspace124 (ig + fb)